DIY Air Conditionining Tips from the Pro's March 2020DIY method to keep your air conditioner clean and healthy.
What the new energy labels mean for Air Conditioners and you. January 2020What the new "energy labelling" for air conditioners means to you.
How to keep cool and save money on your air conditioning bills in Brisbane this summer November 2019Summer is almost here, and we’ve already had a few scorchers to give us a taste of what’s to come. Though it’s nice to sit back and blast the aircon,...
Nanoe- G Technology June 2019ADVANCED AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEM Breathe clean and healthy Air With a significant amount of Australian homes having someone who suffers from asthma, allergies or hay fever, Panasonic’s ECONAVI Reverse Cycle...
Panasonic Offer! April 2019Now is a great time to invest in a new Air Conditioner!! Have your new system installed with us between 1 April 2019 - 30 June 2019 and receive up...
Winter is coming! March 2019A reverse cycle air conditioner uses a massive 72% less than energy-guzzling portable options, according to Sustainability Victoria. They are not only much more effective and efficient, but so much SAFER...