How much does it cost to install air conditioning in Australia?

How much does it cost to install air conditioning in Australia?

Installing air conditioning can be an expensive investment, but it's not as bad as you might expect. Though prices vary from home to home and contractor to contractor, there are some costs you could expect when having your AC installed. We're going to break them down so you know what to expect when installing your new system!

Installing air conditioning in a single-story home costs $3,500 to $6,000 on average.

Installing air conditioning in a single-storey home costs $3,500 to $6,000 on average. The cost depends on several factors:

  • The size of the home (larger homes require more ducting)

  • The number of ducts required

For example, installing an air conditioner in an area measuring 25 square meters that require 4 ducts would cost approximately $3,500 to $5,000. This estimate includes a 10% markup for labour and materials over six months (the minimum amount of time required for installation).

Ducted air conditioning typically costs between $7,000 and $19,000 to install in a 3 bed 2 bath home.

The cost of ducted air conditioning is dependent on a few factors: the size of your home, the quality of installation, and whether you are replacing an existing ducted system. A basic installation will typically cost between $7,000 and $19,000 for a 3 bed 2 bath home.

Installing from scratch? Add another $1,000 to $2,000 for new ducting and vents. If there's no existing ductwork then all materials need to be purchased as well as labour costs to install them.

Replacing an existing system? Ducts need to be removed and replaced, which can increase your costs by at least 30%. Removal and disposal may also incur a fee depending on local council regulations (anywhere between $500-$1k).

The cost of installing an evaporative system is usually between $2,000 and $5,000.

The cost of installing an evaporative system is usually between $2,000 and $5,000. This includes fittings, ducting, control panels, and any associated parts like pumps or fans.

The system will use around 1-3 kilowatts per hour when operating at full capacity. Most evaporative systems operate at about 50% capacity most of the time though so you can expect to pay about 0.5 cents per kilowatt hour for power consumption in this case (at current rates). The lower consumption will also mean that your energy bills will be lower on average than that of traditional air conditioning units which can consume about 20 times more power for cooling purposes!

Split system installation costs between $1,600 and $4,200 on average.

You may be wondering about the cost of installing air conditioning in Australia. The good news is that compared to ducted systems, split systems are cheaper and easier to install. This means you can save around $4,000 by installing a split system over an evaporative one.

The average cost for an installed split system is between $1,600 and $4,200 on average. As we all know though—everything comes with a price tag (a big one). If your house is large or has other special requirements like remote vents or extra refrigeration units, then you should expect to pay more than this amount for installation costs alone!

Packaged units cost between $4,700 and $7,300 for a 3-bedroom home.

A packaged system can cost between $4,700 and $7,300 for a 3-bedroom home. This includes the installation cost, which is about $1,000 to $2,000. The average price for an air conditioner used in these systems is around $1,000 (depending on model and wattage).

Packaged units usually use between 10kW and 12kW per hour of electricity consumption. This means they will cost between 15¢ and 18¢ per hour to run. And depending on whether your home has gas or electricity as its main energy source (for example if it uses solar panels), your household electricity bill will be somewhere between 20¢ and 30¢ per hour on average**(see footnote).

Installing air conditioning in a no-duct zone will likely cost a lot more than ducted systems.

Installing an evaporative system might seem like an inexpensive way to cool your home, but this is rarely the case. If you're installing in a no-duct zone and plan on using a split system, installing this type of air conditioning will likely cost between $2,000 and $5,000 on average—and that's for just one room. If you're looking for something more robust (like a packaged unit) that can cool your entire house, expect to pay anywhere between $4,700 and $7,300 depending on the size of your home.

Ducted AC is the most expensive option because it requires the most planning and installation time.

Ducted air conditioning is the most expensive option because it requires more planning, installation time, and materials. Ducted AC systems are fitted with a network of ducts that carry cool air into your home. They’re much more complicated to install than split systems, which means you may need to hire extra people to get the job done correctly.

Air conditioning may also increase your electricity bills by 10% to 40%.

You should also weigh the pros and cons of installing air conditioning in your home. Although it will keep you cool and comfortable, you may have to pay more for electricity. In fact, some people have reported an increase of 10% to 40% on their utility bills after installing AC units. The amount that your electricity bill increases depends on the size of your home and what type of air conditioning unit you install. If you use a lot of air conditioning, this can result in even higher increases in cost!

Installing an AC unit or system can be pricey but it isn't as bad as you might expect given the energy-saving benefits.

The cost of installing an air conditioner depends on how big your home is, what type of AC unit you choose, and whether or not you’re using ducting.

  • The size of your home: If you want to install an AC unit in a small apartment or rental property, then the cost will be minimal because it doesn't take much time or money to set up an AC unit in a small space. On the other hand, if you have a large house then it will probably cost thousands more than expected because there's more work involved in getting everything right and making sure that all rooms are cooled evenly and efficiently.

  • The type of AC unit: There are many different types of air conditioners available today so choosing one often comes down to personal preference rather than cost-effectiveness alone (although some models may be cheaper than others). If you want something simple that gets the job done quickly without any fuss then opt for an evaporative cooler; this type uses water pads instead of refrigerants so there's no refrigeration system necessary - just plug it into a wall socket! However, if there's enough room for installation then consider investing in larger units like split systems which offer better performance at higher temperatures but also require professional installation services due to both complexity as well as safety reasons (because they contain hot surfaces).

  • The number/type of windows: Older homes typically have less insulation around their windows compared to newer ones which means cooling costs may rise significantly when temperatures soar outside; however there are ways around this problem such as adding shade screens over certain areas or installing curtains/blinds inside them so keep these things mind before making any decisions about how much energy needs conserved every month during summertime months..


Installing an AC unit or system is a big investment but the energy savings will quickly pay off the cost of installation.

We hope this article has helped you make an informed choice about whether or not installing an air conditioning system is right for your home. It's important to do your research and get quotes from multiple contractors before making a decision, as there are many factors involved in pricing out installations. If you have any questions about this topic or need help finding reputable professionals in your area, please contact us at [email protected].

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